Hair Treatment

Online Hair Treatment Consultation

Login to neodermatologist.com for hair fall treatment and get dermatologist consultation online. Let us guide you for your hair fall and best dandruff shampoo by our online dermatologist. Are you struggling with hair fall and fighting with dandruff? Do your hair fall make you feel embarrassed? Are you looking for a hair fall and dandruff best shampoo to get rid of your dandruff permanently? Consult an online dermatologist get the best online hair fall treatment by an authentic dermatologist at Neodermatologist.com.

Inner part Itching Treatment

Login to neodermatologist.com for ringworm treatment and get dermatologist consultation online. Let us guide you for ringworm : how to treat by our online dermatologist
Online Inner Part Itching Treatment

General Skin Consultation

Login to neodermatologist.com for eczema treatment or psoriasis treatment and get dermatologist consultation online. Let us guide you for your any kind of itch on skin by our online dermatologist.

Acne Treatment Online Dermatologist

Login to neodermatologist.com for acne treatment and get dermatologist consultation online. Get the acne treatment for face by our online dermatologist.
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Meet the Neodermatologists

Looking for an online dermatologist, near me dermatologist? Login to neodermatologist.com and get online dermatologist consultation. It is a platform where you can get dermatologist consultation online in other words skin specialist consultation online, acne treatment by dermatologist. So, if you are looking for a ringworm specialist, hair doctor, neodermatologist.com is the place where you can consult the nearest skin doctor.

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Online Consultation For Skin & Hair Treatment by Dermatologist Doctor

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Karma Patel. I am a dermatologist with my special interest in teledermatology. We are running as many as 7 teledermatology clinics across the cities in the states of Gujarat and rajasthan. We have consulted over 25000 patients online till date that includes patients having acne , hair loss , eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, urticaria, melasma, scabies, fungal infection and many other skin conditions or diseases. Get Acne Treatment From Dermatologist and consult for other skin and hair concerns on neodermatologist.com.

Many of you might have a question in your mind that is it really possible to consult a dermatologist or a trichologist online for a skin or a hair problem that you are suffering from? And the answer is yes, it is possible. We are the people of a new era, and we are the dermatologists/ trichologists practising in this era, thanks to technology, which has made connecting with people from all around the world easier and faster than ever before. Grabbing the opportunity that technology has provided to us, we being passionate to consult patients online made it possible. You can consult a dermatologist or a trichologist online for any skin or a hair problem such as acne, hair loss, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, scabies, hyperpigmented spots on face, fungal infection etc. just from wherever you are. All these conditions can be diagnosed visually. A dermatologist or a trichologist does not need to touch you to examine and diagnose your skin or hair. 

So, let us explore this new era of consulting online. In this article, I will discuss and provide you with the step by step guide on how to carry out consultation with a dermatologist or a trichologist for your skin and hair concerns such as acne, hair loss, dandruff, eczema, psoriasis, scabies, urticaria and melasma, itching in inner parts and how to get a treatment online. Let us understand it in the following sequence: 

  • Where to consult?

  • How to consult?

   Basic consultation

   Premium consultation

  • Why consult with us for your skin or hair concern?

  • What to consult?

  • Whom to consult?

  • Online skin and hair treatment by dermatologist/trichologist.

Where to consult?

Neodermatologist.com serves as a platform where you can consult a dermatologist or a trichologist online for any kind of itching on your body, urticaria, scabies, chronic illnesses such as eczema and psoriasis, vitiligo, melasma, acne on the face and other parts of the body, hair loss and other hair disorders, itching in inner parts etc, get the valuable advice from a dermatologist or a trichologist and get the prescribed medicines at your fingertips. It’s easy and convenient. 

How- to consult? 

Here in this section I will discuss and provide you with the step by step guide on how you can consult on neodermatologist.com to make it easier for you. Well, the first step is to login to our website, neodermatologist.com. We provide you with two different types of consultation services namely basic and premium. Further you will be directed based on the service you have selected. After you log into the website, you need to select one of our services: basic or premium. 

In basic consultation, Once you are logged into our website the next step is to go onto the services page where you will need to select from one of our four main services based on your concern. The services that we provide on neodermatologist.com are divided into four: 1) acne treatment 2) hair loss treatment 3) general consultation 4) inner part itching treatment

Once you select the service, select basic consultation and then you will be asked to fill up a history form. It is a kind of a questionnaire where you will be asked a few questions that you need to answer for a better understanding of your problem. Once you finish filling up the history form, you will be asked to upload the photographs of the affected areas of your body such as scalp, face, hands, legs, abdomen and back, inner parts, buttocks. After this you need to just confirm your appointment and process the payment. Within 20 minutes of your submission of a query, our medical officer will call you and discuss your concern e.g hair loss or any other hair disorder, acne on the face or other part of the body, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, vitiligo,melasma, fungal infection in inner parts and other parts of the body etc. that you have in accordence with the history form and photographs you have submitted and counsel you. Our medical officer after having a word with you will convey this message to the dermatologist. Our dermatologist will prescribe you medicines after assessing your photographs and going through history taken by our medical officer. We assure you and will try our best to complete the whole process within 2 hours time. 

In basic consultation, the diagnosis of your skin or hair concern whether it is hair loss or other hair disorder, acne on the face or any other part of the body, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, melasma, vitiligo, itching in inner parts is done through the photographs that you sent us.Taking appropriate photographs according to our guidelines with utmost attention is of importance in case of basic consultation as there are chances that the dermatologist can meet a diagnostic error if the photographs are inappropriate and we will need to request you for resubmission of the photographs. If the dermatologist finds that the photographs are improper and he/she is unable to diagnose with the photographs provided then it will leave him/her unsatisfied and in such a case a dermatologist can even refuse to proceed further.The link to sample photographs and video is given on the website.We request you to access these links before taking photographs and follow the guidelines. 

The prescription from a dermatologist will be sent on your whatsapp as well as will be saved in your user account. So, whenever in future you connect with us again, you as well as us will be able to access the previous prescriptions in other words your history. From a doctor’s point of view it is important to keep the patient's records.  

In premium consultation, you get a few more features. Apart from the steps that you follow and the features that you get in basic consultation, you will be given a provision that you can select a dermatologist or a trichologist whom you want to consult with, and book time for consultation from available time slots and get an opportunity to talk to a dermatologist/trichologist through video unlike in basic consultation. A dermatologist will take thorough medical history of yours, will examine affected areas of your body on a video call, and after confirming the diagnosis a dermatologist or a trichologist will prescribe you medicines. 

Let me make one thing clear here that from a diagnosis and treatment point of view, there is no difference between the basic and premium consultations as it is not proportional to the service that you select. If you are someone who has consulted us through basic consultation service and leaves you unsatisfied with the diagnosis process and treatment prescribed, we assure you a complete refund.

Why consult with us? 

Well , the one reason I would say why you should consult on neodermatologist.com is that it is easy to consult with a dermatologist online from anywhere and at any time.

All you need to do is, just login to neodermatologist.com, tell us about your skin and hair concerns such as acne on the face or any other part of the body, hair loss or any other hair disorder, scabies eczema, urticaria, melasma or psoriasis, itching in inner parts, consult a dermatologist or a trichologist and get the treatment. It’s a one stop solution for all your skin and hair concerns. It's a hassle free and paperless procedure. 

We are bound to respond within 20 minutes once the query is submitted to us. We are a team of board certified dermatologists. We are specialised in diagnosing and treating any kind of itching on your body, chronic illnesses such as eczema or psoriasis,vitiligo as well as urticaria,scabies, melasma, acne on face or other parts of the body, fungal infections, hair loss or any other hair and skin disorder. We are not only passionate about treating patients online but we are also passionate about providing knowledge to our patients about their skin condition or hair problem.

So, log into neodermatologist.com and explore this new era of consulting a dermatologist/trichologist online. It is a visual diagnostic branch where a doctor does not need to touch your skin or a hair to diagnose you. It saves your valuable time as you do not need to cover up the distance to reach out the dermatology clinic and step into a clinic physically. 

We also make sure that you get the medicines at affordable rates that are prescribed to by a dermatologist or trichologist.


What to consult? 

You can consult on neodermatologist.com for any of your skin or hair problems through the services that we provide such as, 

Acne and its variants on face or any other part of the body and it includes, acne vulgaris that develops at puberty, acne cosmetica that is an acne develops on applying makeup and other cosmetics, acne fulminans, hormonal acne, mechanical acne, occupational acne etc. 

You can also consult a dermatologist for post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and scars that acne often leave behind. 

You can consult to trichologist for hair problems online such as androgenetic alopecia, male pattern hair loss, female pattern hair loss , dandruff in hair, hair loss from the entire scalp or patchy hair loss as in alopecia areata, lice in head, infection in hair etc. 

Apart from this, if you have itching on any part of your body, suffering from illnesses such as eczema, contact irritant or contact allergic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, photo dermatitis or sun allergy, psoriasis, urticaria, scabies, melasma, vitiligo or leucoderma and other skin diseases, you can consult a dermatologist online on neodermatologist.com. 

If you have itching in inner parts, having fungal infection e.g. tinea cruris, tinea corporis, you can consult on neodermatologist.com. 

As it is a visual diagnostic branch, a dermatologist or a trichologist does not need to touch your skin or hair. A diagnosis can be made by visual examination. 

Whom to consult?

We are a team of board certified dermatologists having expertise in any skin related issues. We are specialised in diagnosing and treating acne on the face or any other part of the body, hair loss and other hair disorders, itching on any part of your body, scabies, chronic illnesses such as eczema or psoriasis, vitiligo as well as melasma, urticaria, itching in inner parts as in fungal infection etc. 

We provide you with the opportunity to choose from the list of various dermatologists you want to consult with. We assure you a satisfactory outcome from the diagnosis and treatment point of view, in other words you won't encounter any diagnostic or treatment difference for any of our dermatologists you consult with.

On the website, we also have described some of the silent features of our team of dermatologists. There you will be able to see their experience in the field of dermatology, their qualification, number of online consultations till date by a particular member etc. 

Online acne treatment, hair treatment, inner part itching treatment and treatment for general illnesses such as eczema, psoriasis, scabies, urticaria and melasma. 

Acne is a common inflammatory skin condition often seen in young people and it can be treated with oral as well as topical medications. 

Dermatologists prescribe oral isotretinoin, antibiotics and multivitamin medications. 

Topically, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, and antibiotics are used. 

Face Wash and cleansers help you keep your skin clean and dry. 

Hair treatment - The most common hair problems that many people encounter are androgenetic alopecia, male pattern hair loss, female pattern hair loss , dandruff in hair, hair loss from the entire scalp or patchy hair loss etc. 

We often prescribe medicated shampoos, lotions, and tablets to our patients with hair problems. In patients having dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis we prescribe medicated shampoo containing keratolytic agents such as salicylic acid in combination with an antifungal agent such as ketoconazole. 

In patients having androgenetic alopecia, male pattern hair loss, female pattern hair loss, dermatologists prescribe minoxidil 2% and 5% lotions as remains the mainstay of a treatment. Minoxidil in combination with finasteride is also available in the market.

Apart from this anti androgenic group of oral tablets such as finasteride, dutasteride in males and tablets such as spironolactone in females with androgenetic hair loss are effectively used. Multivitamin tablets are also frequently prescribed by dermatologists.

Topical corticosteroids in the form of lotion are also used in conditions such as alopecia areata. 


Chronic illnesses such as eczema and psoriasis require time and patience. It can even become more frustrating as the time goes by for a patient as this can affect their normal life. In case of eczema and urticaria, finding a triggering factor and avoiding contact with it is an important part as any contact with a triggering factor can aggravate or exacerbate the condition and lead to chronicity. 

Oral corticosteroids such as prednisolone, methylprednisolone, betamethasone, dexamethasone, deflazacort are regularly prescribed by the dermatologists to the patients having eczema, irritant or allergic contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, patchy hair loss as in alopecia areata as well as in acute urticaria as it remains the mainstay of a treatment. It has an immunosuppressive effect and helps to reduce inflammation. Other immunosuppressive agents such as azathioprine and cyclosporine are also used. It is advisable to carry out necessary blood investigations before putting patients on this group of immunosuppressants.

Topically, depending on the severity, plaque thickness and areas involved, high potency corticosteroids such as halobetasol and clobetasol are used to treat the large areas and thick plaques of eczema and also in the other skin conditions such as psoriasis, allergic and irritant contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis etc. Low to moderate potency corticosteroids are used to treat areas with thin skin. 

Antihistamines are given as a supportive treatment which helps to reduce itching. 

Emollients containing liquid paraffin and white soft paraffin are frequently prescribed along with topical corticosteroids in skin conditions such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and urticaria.

In urticaria like in eczema, it is important to look for the triggering factor and to avoid it. If the trigger is some food for example, it is better you avoid eating it. 

Oral antihistamines are the first line therapy for urticaria and are effective in relieving pruritus and rash in most cases. New H1 receptor blockers, minimally sedating, second generation antihistamines such as fexofenadine, desloratadine, levocetirizine are considered first line now and are used in both acute and chronic urticaria. Montelukast - leukotriene receptor antagonist is also effectively used in combination with antihistamines.

Glucocorticoids are also often used in urticaria. It helps in stabilising mast cell membrane and inhibits further histamine release and they also reduce the inflammatory effect of histamine. They are effective in acute urticaria. Other immunosuppressant drugs can also be used.

Methotrexate is the drug of choice in psoriasis. Dosage depends on the severity and the area involved. Cyclosporine as an oral agent is also used. 

Psoriasis frequently involves the sites such as knees, elbows, ankles. Topically, steroids in combination with keratolytic agents such as salicylic acid or plain are used. 

Being a dermatologist it is important to counsel a psoriatic patient about maintenance treatment as there are chances of recurrences. 

In scabies treatment scabicidal drugs such as permethrin, ivermectin, benzyl benzoate and crotamiton are the mainstay of the treatment. 

Among these drugs permethrin 5 % topical cream is mostly widely used and is very effective against the scabies mite. 

It should be applied to the clean and dry skin by the patient at night before going to bed and to be kept overnight. It should be applied on all parts of the body below the chin and make sure not to wash hands after application as the drug can get washed away.  All the members in the family should also be treated at the same time. All clothes, towels, bed sheets should be washed in hot water. 

Apart from this, antihistamines group of drugs are used, which helps to reduce the itching.Topically moderate to high potency corticosteroids are used. It helps to reduce the inflammatory effect. Secondary bacterial infection, if present, should be treated with antibiotics. 

Melasma is a hyperpigmentation which is acquired and is seen mostly on sun exposed areas mainly on cheeks, nose, upper lip and forehead and rarely it can occur on other sun exposed areas such as forearms. It is more common in females than in males and caused mainly by sun exposure and hormonal imbalance. 

Avoiding sun exposure, covering sun exposed areas is important in patients having melasma. 

Depigmenting agents such as kojic acid are effective in treating hyperpigmented spots of melasma. Short course of low potency topical corticosteroids is also effective in treating hyperpigmentation of melasma. 

Itching in inner parts/ jock itch/ ringworm infection is a dermatophyte infection which can occur on any part of the body but most commonly involves crural folds where it is called tinea cruris and buttocks. It can also occur on the hands and feet where it is called tinea manuum and tinea pedis respectively as well as on the face, scalp and other parts of the body. It usually occurs due to excessive sweating and moisture in inner parts of the body. Hot and humid weather provides hospitable conditions for a fungus to grow. 

Lesion which usually begins as a papule that tends to grow larger in size in an annular pattern with time and involves larger areas. 

Oral as well as topical antifungal agents are used to treat ringworm infection.

Orally, itraconazole, fluconazole, terbinafine, and griseofulvin are frequently prescribed by the dermatologists. 

Topically, antifungal drugs such as  ketoconazole, amorolfine, luliconazole, naftifine, eberconazole, oxiconazole are used. 

Patients should be counselled for course completion as incomplete course can result in relapse or recurrences. 

So, to conclude, I being a dermatologist would always recommend that if you are someone having acne on face or any other part of the body, suffering from hair loss or any other hair disorder, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, itching on any part of the body, urticaria, scabies, melasma, having fungal infection, you should consult a dermatologist or a trichologist and get your problem properly diagnosed and get appropriate treatment as dermatologist is someone who is specialised in diagnosing and treating acne, hair loss, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, urticaria, scabies, melasma, fungal infection and he/she not only can diagnose and treat your problem but can give you a valuable advice on do’s and don’ts, can educate you about your skin condition or a disorder, can talk about its prognosis and even can help you find out triggering/aggravating agents/factors by carrying out necessary blood investigations and tests and prescribe you appropriate medicines. Log into neodermatologist.com, consult with your dermatologist/ trichologist online and get the prescription and medicines at affordable rates online.